The Beard has returned. Hasidic rapper Matisyahu -- who raised controversy recently after he tweeted an image of himself without his trademark super-long beard -- has reportedly started growing it back. Check his new stubble here.
And now for your obligatory Jeremy Lin links: So there is this guy named Jeremy Lin. Apparently he's really, really good at basketball. He also reportedly really, really loves Jesus. Insert your favorite Tebow-crossover joke here (from our own RNS!).
Happy now?
Holocaust survivor and renowned author Elie Wiesel has a message for Mormon presidential candidate Mitt Romney: Tell Mormons to stop post-mortem baptizing Jews who died in the Holocaust.
Kidnapped for Christ: A new documentary is in the works about children whose Christian parents reportedly sent them to a "militarized" discipline camp in the Dominican Republic for "disciple problems," which included being gay.
Finally, your Video of the Day comes from Stephen Colbert, who offers his own (somewhat racy) take on the Catholic contraception debate (warning, a bit of saucy, cable-quality language and imagery to follow).
- Jack "I Wish I Could Grow A Beard" Jenkins
(image courtesy Nordelch via wikimedia commons)

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