Could Rick Santorum become the GOP flavor-of-the-day…again?
More voting today. Sean Trende has a blur of numbers that clearly show how states with large evangelical populations are coming into play, and that could hurt Mitt Romney.
“Is Santorum a long shot? Certainly,” says The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin. “Can we make this a competitive race? Much weirder things have happened in this campaign.”
Almost as weird as the congressman who didn’t realize The Onion is a satirical magazine and there really is no $8 billion Planned Parenthood “Abortionplex.” The rock climbing wall was the giveaway for me.
Kosher Congressman? Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, bestselling author of “Kosher Sex” and the new “Kosher Jesus,” is considering a run for Congress as a Republican from New Jersey. He wants to “bring Jewish values into the political discourse.”
Megachurch pastor Rick Warren is downsizing himself: he’s lost 60 pounds, and is aiming to drop another 30.
This could give Warren agita: An appeals court will decide today whether to overturn the California judge’s ruling that reversed the Prop 8 law making same-sex marriage illegal.
Newsweek discovers the persecution of Christians, and gets a former Muslim and vocal atheist to tell you about it.
Not found: Google, Facebook, and other sites have removed web pages deemed offensive to Indian political and religious leaders to comply with a court ruling.
A North Carolina woman read the Bible to her attacker and he spared her life.
New: The Church of England has more women priests than men for the first time.
Old: But the church’s current bishops (hint: they’re men) don’t want women priests taking their jobs.
And some argue that the Catholic Church still believes usury is a sin.
The more things change...
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