Friday, March 2, 2012


A Shariah billboard encourages readers to ask questions and call the toll-free number or visit the campaign website. RNS photo courtesy ICNA.

Tags: campaign, muslim, shariah

Muslims launch campaign to explain Shariah

(RNS) "If you are looking for problematic texts in the Quran, yes, they exist. They also exist in the Bible and Torah and other books," said Emory University's Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im. "But Christians aren't judged based on what the Bible said 2,000 years ago, but on how they behave today. Why are Muslims judged according to these literalist interpretations, and not according to how the vast majority of good Muslims behave today?" By Omar Sacirbey.
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N.C. Muslims rally around suspects in beheading plot

WILMINGTON, N.C. (RNS) As a Muslim woman waits in jail here for word on a possible indictment in her alleged involvement in a murder-for-hire beheading plot, her friends and family are using social media to come to her aid. By Amanda Greene.
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Verizon plans to drop Muslim TV network

(RNS) Verizon FIOS, the national cable television operator, has decided to drop Bridges TV, a pioneering television network that seeks to challenge stereotypes of Muslims and create understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. By Omar Sacirbey.
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Report calls Muslim terrorism a ‘minuscule threat’

(RNS) A new report by a terrorism expert at the University of North Carolina says the threat of terrorism at the hands of American Muslims is "a minuscule threat to public safety." By Omar Sacirbey.
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Louis Farrakhan blasts Jews, Obama

(RNS) Saying "I'm not anti-Semitic, I'm just telling the truth," Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told followers that Jews control the media and entertainment industries, and said President Obama could be assassinated in an inside plot that could be blamed on Muslims. By Omar Sacirbey
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